This big red truck is going to take me to my new life.
Don't worry, I'm not afraid. The people doing this are real experts and take good care of all who travel with them.
I even get to stretch my legs.
Talk about being in your face :o) I love people and cameras! HI, I'm Jimmy.
Just want to show you, since people tell by looking at our teeth, I'm healthy and young. Just look at these pearly whites.
Want'a dance? I do a mean fox trot.
This comes naturally to me. I've been told I'm a bird dog. Don't know, but I do like to scout things out.
Holly Molly! I've never seen a water bowl this big before.
Just check'n to make sure I can really play in my water bowl. Right?
When I'm all dry, look how handsome I am.
Oh Yeah! I love kids too. They are so cool to play with. Say Cheese!
I'm Getting Closer As My Journey Begins
Posted by IBR Blog Team